Standing The Norm On Its' Head
There are a number of "common sense" rules for running a successful business and it is my contention that one of the most important has been immortalised by Sir Richard Branson!)
In my early days working for the Boots Company Ltd. it was impressed upon me that the customer was always right (even if they were wrong)! This statement is a maxim that still holds true today. The belief and standing instruction was
"always take care of the customer!"
Every business course I have ever attended has always placed its' focus on the same point - that being - the customer is "king" and must always be "taken care of and put first!".
However, Mr Branson has added a further dimension to this! He has taken the situation, and stood it on its head, and I have to say that I totally agree with him!
He states "Clients Do Not Come First! Employees Come First! If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients!"
So that said - if you are a one person business then yes the customer must always be your priority but if you employ staff then they MUST be looked after since they are your greatest asset. These forward - facing people will be the ones who look after those all important customers.
By doing so they will engender Customer Loyalty / Support and that (in turn) is what will build your business!
Thank you for reading this blog!
Be safe, be careful and above all remember
Don’t Predict The Future - CREATE It !
DAve x
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