Hi and welcome to this personal blog page of a self confessed hippie child of the 60's. I was no stranger to the sounds of the "Underground" (and not the ones referred to in that famous pop song by Girls Aloud - a song that I did actually like) music scene.
However, this photograph is the nearest thing I got to the cult movie "Easy Rider" as I personally cannot be doing with motor bikes. Unfortunately, I cannot credit the photographer because I have no idea who it was - but if it was you and you can tell me exactly when and where it was taken I will happily add a credit to your image.
So moving on, the reason for this post being called "Waterlogged" and the attending image is the fact that some days I feel like that and the weekend just gone contained one of them.
We had a lovely day on Saturday - went shopping (maybe spent a little more than we should have done), then we went for a lovely meal in Exeter (thank you Tina) and then took a steady and enjoyable drive back to the caravan.
However, Sunday was a bit of stressy day, I got a bit frustrated with certain things and was a tad short-tempered, Alison and I exchanged a few words (which was quite embarrassing) in front of Tina.
Eventually when we got home things had calmed down and were on a more even keel.
So that is it, done!
Thanks for being there and thank you for reading this post!
Please check back again tomorrow for the next update
Have a great day, be safe be careful and remember
Don’t predict the future - CREATE IT!
DAve x
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