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02/12/22 Making The Tea - an exercise in Strategy

                                         Making The Tea!

                                                    (an exercise in Strategy)

Hi It's DAve

Apologies for my recent absence but family matters took over and I did not have the opportunity to write a blog post last week.

Anyway I am now back again and here is this week's offering from the sometimes warped mind of Your's Truly!

As a Personal Development Coach I am often asked about Goal Setting so here is my approach to that very subject:-

All too often we set goals but very rarely do we create a plan of how we aim to achieve that goal. Having given the matter some thought I have defined a process and that involves "Starting At The End!"

Yes, I know that seems mad, but how can you get to where you are going if you don't know where that is?  What it looks like, who you are as a person...........

Once you have done this the next part is to list everything that has to happen if you are going to achieve that goal - make a note of everything you think of, no matter how daft, far fetched or crazy it might seem

Let us use an example here

Making a Cup of Tea

draw something that represents the cup of tea

now stepping back from that you may think I need a teapot, a cup and saucer, a kettle, and the tea

We might also need milk and sugar, water, heat, power

Also we may require tea bags, a tea strainer, 

do we need to go shopping and pay the bill (then if we do - we need money, bank card etc).  We may also need transport (car, bus, bike etc)

If we have successfully worked through this plan we will have a nice cup of tea to relax with on this cool Winter's afternoon.  


if you don't have a plan and the correct strategy you are probably going to end up somewhere else and a long way from that refeshing, warming cup of tea!


Thank you for joining me on this week's blog and taking the time to read this piece.  I hope that you have enjoyed it!

Have a fantastic week.

Be safe, be careful and above all remember

Don't Predict The Future - CREATE IT!

DAve x


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