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Showing posts from July, 2020

Is the dream about to become real?

After a long chat with one of my best friends last night - it would seem that an idea we have been talking around for many years has resurfaced. So is the dream about to become a reality this time round? I will keep all of my fingers and toes crossed tightly on that one but just in case, I won't hold my breath!

Time is nought.......

Time is nought but a man made thing And as such can neither begin nor end Eternity is always and for ever It goes on stretching into our future And back into the past. But in truth there is only ever NOW!

Drowning in paper (virtual and real) .............

Since the start of the Covid situation here in the UK I have been receiving an alarming number of emails pumped out from Westminster and associated offices. The current total stands at  a whopping 2787! How many people and man / woman hours has it taken to create that amount of content,  write those emails, send them out and deal with any responses they create. ...... and if anyone can calculate that figure, how much has it all cost us - the ones who pay for it all through our taxes? I think that figure is likely to be bigger than "all the numbers" (as my daughter used to say) Have a fantastic day DAve x

The Book Is Under Way........

Does anyone know who to send a treatment to for publications that are rooted in the world of entertainment?                                  I am currently writing a collection of short factual stories that I have drawn from my career in the entertainment business.  Ranging from my meetings with Royalty and the Aristocracy - to meeting a womble! If you do know of a publisher that might be interested please click here -  drop me an email

It is difficult........

I just got this post in during the morning - it is 1159 as I am writing it! If you have a relative (close or distant) who is at present in a Residential Care Home they are probably under a lockdown situation and their visits from family members are very much restricted. I came across a situation today that brought it home harder than ever..........a close family member is in one of these establishments and I have every reason to believe that he is receiving the best of care.   However the  home have  had a Social Distancing practice in place for some months now and that coupled with restricted visitor numbers has meant that my daughters have not been able to see their Grandad since January. They are finding this very hard to handle because they (rightly so) thing the world of him. So here is an urgent appeal to the Coronavirus / Covid 19 or whatever it is being called today and that is quite simply ....... DO ONE!

Face Coverings

Hello from Sunday morning I felt positively ill after wearing a face mask for the first time yesterday.  It was uncomfortable, caused my glasses to steam up and fell off with amazing regularity.  With all due respect to the person who made it for me, this piece of PPE apparel was downright uncomfortable. I know that it is something that this Government insists we should do but unless something more effective is found or the decision is changed I will be avoiding shops like the plague. I recall that just a few short months ago the world health organisation (WHO) advised that face coverings such as masks were not overly effective in preventing the transfer of Covid 19 droplets. I now understand that decision has been amended????? I have personally spoken to people who have been spending sums in the region of £5 for a single face covering. With a little research I have now found a satisfactory alternative to trial for just £1.99. I will report on its usability late...

Somerset Levels

Those of you who don't really know me (yet) are probably blissfully unaware that apart from having an interest in many odd and off the wall things, one of my main loves is to write song lyrics  and / or poetry.  I began this at an early age by writing lyrics (and at the age of 15 (ish) I was called at home* by none other than George Harrison ( yes The Beatle!!! )  and complemented on the lyrics of a song that he had heard. That spurred me on and during the years since I have been fortunate enough to have quite a number of songs published, recorded by other artists and in addition I have a number of poetry books currently in print. This poem is one that dates from 2016 and was inspired by a trip to one of my absolute favourite places in England - GLASTONBURY. It subsequently became a song..................and I still perform it live during some of my gigs  Somerset Levels Walking alone on the Somerset Levels I spied a tramp with a steely grey eye He ...

Ha! I Am An Idiot!

Picture by Tony Edmonds It is a number of  years since I qualified as a coach, a therapist and became an author and although I have  been blogging for ages I feel that I have been saying very little about me as a person ! Yes I have been writing many words, posting plenty of pictures and generally enjoying  being the author of a number of very successful posts. However, lately I have been posting daily illustrations of my thoughts and the stats for those posts over the past month have been very encouraging and they indicate that more people are looking at those than are viewing some of my other posts, which although carefully crafted, have been based on other people's thoughts and posts. So I have considered this carefully and concluded that whilst my other blogs perform specific tasks, none of them, including the Under Blue Skies one, reflect who I am personally.     That said, I read a piece on Instagram this morning about wr...