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Showing posts from August, 2020

Core Belief #3

Hi and thank you for taking the time to visit this page, your visit it truly appreciated. So Today, I am sharing the last of my 3 core beliefs.  These are the beliefs that apply to all areas of my life, they are not flexible and they are central to who I am! Just a little exercise why don't you identify the core beliefs that you hold?  These are the unwaivering elements that make you tick as a human being! So let us now go with Core Belief #3

Core Belief #2

Hi and thank you for taking the time to visit this page, your visit it truly appreciated. So Yesterday, Today, and Saturday I am going to post my 3 core beliefs.  These are the beliefs that apply to all areas of my life, they are not flexible and they are central to who I am! Just a little exercise why don't you identify the core beliefs that you hold?  These are the unwaivering elements that make you tick as a human being! So let us now go with Core Belief #2

Core Belief #1

Hi and thank you for taking the time to visit this page, your visit it truly appreciated. So for Today, Tomorrow and Saturday I am going to post my 3 core beliefs.  These are the beliefs that apply to all areas of my life, they are not flexible and they are central to who I am! Just a little exercise why don't you identify the core beliefs that you hold?  These are the unwaivering elements that make you tick as a human being! So let us now go with Core Belief #1

An Umpty Flump!

Hi have you ever had one (or two) of those days when you feel that a lot of the people around you are just an inconvenience?   Or you think  that things are  "out to get you"  and you feel quite down. You know the type I mean where you just want to get on with the things that you want to get on with, but people have other ideas.  I call those "umpty flump*" days and I have been having a 24 hour one! It feels like being under a cloud. *umpty flump was a phrase from a children's television series called The Flumps

Back From My Holiday

What a fantastic week that was!  We had good company, great food, terrific weather, hot days, thunderstorms, heavy rain.  So all told a brilliant week.                                                                                   So there we have a few images from the family holiday to Devon.

Post Postponed for next week.

I have written this post to postpone the posts for the next week and when the postponement comes to an end the posting of posts will no longer be postponed and posts will begin again post haste.   But if I get chance to post during the posted posting break I will post as and when I am able.  plus if possible I may be able to post a post card as a post. DAve x


THE SPECTRE OF LOCKDOWN LURKS ON THE HORIZON We need to be sensible and act not react It is hard, but  we can get through th is! REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE NOT ALONE This situation will not last forever IF YOU WANT TO REMAIN SANE DON'T WATCH THE NEWS give yourself a break. We Can Do This! FACE IT TOGETHER!

Building A Radio Show

I had intended to write a post today about the building of a radio show............... but that went out of the window because of lots of other stuff coming to take my attention away from the job in hand......... So I do have the tracks in place, and I had fully intended to record the links today but people had other ideas, now 6 hours later and with nothing more done than I had at 9am I think the plan will be put on pause until tomorrow. Hey ho!  Such is life!

My Head Is Spinning.....

Oh Dear...... Having had a 4 way conversation with people in various parts of the country and Europe and everyone singing from a different hymn sheet - I have a headache! It seems that once particularly crucial piece of information has not arrived at its' destination (namely my desk) although 2 of the 4 think it has been sent............ If it has then it has got lost in transit to me............. and the 4th person just has no idea what is happening. So I am now going to sit in a corner, suck my thumb and hopefully when I wake again it will all be sorted.

Yesterday I recorded a video......

But The Post Has Nothing Much To Do With The Video..... I used the picture above because I like it - it was taken one Sunday morning and I thought that maybe someone had been enjoying themselves over a litter bin. Which is far more than I can say for my industry colleagues.   Actually, the video I recorded was a serious piece about coaching as we move out of lockdown (HA!) - try working in the industry I do.............  There is a serious undercurrent that suggests that many of the businesses in our industry sector may not survive long enough to exit lockdown. There has been precious little support from our (ahem! clears throat prior to choking) esteemed government. Not that I harbour any bitter thoughts ( at the moment ), but I do feel  a huge amount of concern for others in the same line of business / work as I am. Still onwards and upwards as they say and to the former owner of the stocking -  let's see if you can find a comfy litter bin ...