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Showing posts from November, 2020

Did you know........?

                                                          (©2018 wytchwynd photography)   ....that a ship (or a boat) is never steered from the front, always behind! Have a fantastic day and remember - Don't predict the future......CREATE IT! DAve

If you do not speak........

Hi and welcome to today's post I was reading through some old bits and pieces and I came across a comment that I posted on my Instagram a couple of years ago. It is so simple and yet so many people fail to do it - and that surprises me! Just a few words and yet they convey such a great message      "If you do not speak, people will never hear you!"

My Personal Mission Statement

Hi everyone and first let me apologise for the lack of posts recently and by way of an explanation rather than an excuse I have simply been very busy with the whole COVID issue, not matter what my personal feelings are concerning this I have a job to do and that necessitates compliance and all its' attendant issues. However, that said it does not detract from my Personal Mission statement and so let us put that on record here and now - My Personal Mission Statement goes like this:- My mission is to help and inspire other people to lead the best life they can and I will do this in 5 second steps....... to begin, BEGIN!!!