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Showing posts from September, 2020

A Long Round Trip........

Monday was our 46th Wedding Anniversary and so I asked Herself what She would like to do to celebrate the day.  The answer was "let's go to Dartmouth!" It is many years since we went there so I agreed that it would be very nice to do the trip. We drove the 104 miles from Ilfracombe, and when we got to Dartmouth it was mega - busy. and we managed to get a parking space on the quay but it was only for an hour (long enough to get a pasty and a coffee at the place shown above). We then travelled along the coast road to Plymouth (via Modbury) and covered another 30 miles.  Once in Plymouth we stopped at ASDA and had another cup of coffee and purchased some fuel, then we drove back to Ilfracombe (over Dartmoor) which was another 102 miles. So although we covered quite a few miles, it was a good day and it was lovely to spend some "us time".

A New Identity for Under Blue Skies

                   Hi              it's DAve and welcome to each and every one of you.   Recently I have been feeling more and more distanced from my work as a coach and the reasons for this are many fold.  Personal Coaching has been at the heart of things I have done in my life for many years.  So long in fact that some of my viewers (readers) may not have even been born when I qualified. However, as time has passed the coaching has been pushed further into the background as other ideas, projects and people have entered my life and despite my knowing this I have not taken any action to stop it! So recently I connected with someone whose work I had admired from those early days and yet despite her own issues she has continued to move forwards and has moulded her business to fit into the world as it is today.  Since making this connection I have taken part in several of her train...

My Dream Car

Visiting me from the world of the Quantum this is my intended creation. (it will have my own registration plate on it when I get it).

I Have Been Away......

Sorry for not being about much but after the holiday there has been so much going on that I really have not had time to turn round. Hopefully things have become a little more settled now and I am in the process of doing a restructure of the business and going back to the roots of why I became a coach and what that stands for. I am working towards changing a lot of things and creating new content / design for my website.  There is the possibility of a new course for 2021 but not until everything is in place to create a good solid foundation for the business going forwards. Although this is NOT the final design this artwork provides an indication of the way we are going.